Saturday, December 20, 2008
donuts with dads
at pratt's mom's morning out last week, they had donuts with dads. so cute! pratt wanted nothing to do with the donut, surprisingly, but i think he liked having daddy at school with him.

Monday, December 8, 2008
pratt was a lion for halloween. this costume was adorable. my sweet friend, sara o'dell, let me borrow the costume. her son will wore it the year before. she bought it from a consignment sale, and it was well worth the $8 she paid! it barely fit pratt by the time halloween rolled around. he actually loved being in it, believe it or not. i was afraid he wouldn't because he doesn't like things on his head at all. i had a picture of the family at the halloween party we went to, but i can't find it... sad!

Ollie is 1!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy Fall!
I love the cool in the air in the mornings and evenings. Of course, the afternoons still feel a little like summer. We are getting there, though. Here are a couple of picks from the week. Pratt is such a blast... 14 months and counting. Each day seems like a new adventure for him. I love it!
He would not leave the hat on for his picture. I kept putting it back on him to take a pic and see his reaction below...
Loving on Ivy. If only Ivy shared these feelings.
Spaghetti... yum!!!
Singing along with "Alphabet Pal" our favorite toy!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
walking, walking everywhere
until 3 days ago, he was still crawling a good bit. he couldn't stand up on his own, without using the support of something else. when he would fall from walking, he would crawl over to something to pull himself up. now he has figured out how to stand on his own, so it's walking exclusively. i think he is trying to figure out how to run too. the other day it was like his feet wouldn't go fast enough and he fell over face first.
the toddling is so cute. i love to leave him in just his diaper and watch his little legs. sweet, rolly legs. we're having a blast. we smile and laugh all day long at the things this little boy does.
Monday, August 18, 2008
See How I've Grown!!!
at 3 months, i decided to start taking monthly pics of pratt with his favorite stuffed animal - a monkey. here are the pics in a slide show. you can see how he's changed over those 9 months.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
pratt's birthday
it's been two weeks since pratt's birthday and i am just now posting these pics. we had such a fun day celebrating this sweet baby. pratt got up and we had his present from us out for him to play in. daddy went and got us all breakfast from chic-fil-a. pratt loved his chicken minis. we headed out after morning nap for his first haircut. daddy got one too! then we had a nice lunch as a family. papa and gigi - walt's parents - came up and spent the night with us so we spent the evening at home with them.
playing in his gift from mommy and daddy
getting his first haircut... bye bye mullet!!!

playing in his gift from mommy and daddy
at lunch w/ mommy and daddy
Friday, July 18, 2008
where's pratt?
pratt loves for you to play peek-a-boo with him. most kids do, i guess. anyway, he has figured out how to play it himself. he covers his head with a blanket to play. too cute! here's a video...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
he's almost one...
how? why? can't he just stay the way he is? in my last post i was whining about pratt growing up. i'm still in that place. i'll get over it soon, i promise. anyway, this weekend i was in prattville for my oldest friend's baby shower -meagan howell anderson. while i was there my family had a little mini birthday party for my meme's sake. she just had her hip replaced, so she won't be able to make the trip to harvest next weekend for pratt's birthday. here are some pics that we took at the little party.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Pratt is 11 months old
where have the last 11 months gone? granted, the first month or two did seem to drag. night after night - getting up multiple times to feed this precious child. now, though, i can't believe it has almost been a year since pratt came into our lives. what a joy he has been! i think there is going to be a bit of depression next month when he turns one - july 25. i just love this time with him and he really likes this time with us. we all know that will most likely change. he won't want to be around us... we may not want to be around him. you know, seven year olds, 16 year olds, aren't as fun or as cute as an infant. oh well! we'll take it all as it comes and make the best out of it. pratt is so wonderful, i just expect that he will be his entire life.
Pratt has started holding his cup, for the most part. he usually has to be in his high chair with it somewhat reclined. he didn't want it first thing this morning, so i just left in on one of our end tables. next thing i know, he gets it and helps himself. he just needed a little help tilting it back... see it's resting on the ottoman. too cute not to share...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Here we go...
Just call me a follower. I've fought starting a blog for a while now, mostly because I don't think anyone would want to read anything I have to say. My sister and others have been on me for a while to start one, so as my title reads "here we go." If nothing else, I guess people will enjoy seeing pictures of the cutest little boy in the entire world, right?
On that note, Pratt is almost ONE! How did this happen? It has been so amazing to experience the miracle of life and watch this precious baby grow. I don't think Walt and I have ever had so much fun.
Anyway, here are a few new pics. We've just gotten back into town from traveling to Savannah, GA and to our family reunion in Knoxville. My immediate family and one of my dad's brother's family spent a few extra days in a chalet in Pigeon Forge. We had a great time... see?

Pratt's first trip to the beach - Jekyll Island, Ga.
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