Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Fall!

I love the cool in the air in the mornings and evenings. Of course, the afternoons still feel a little like summer. We are getting there, though. Here are a couple of picks from the week. Pratt is such a blast... 14 months and counting. Each day seems like a new adventure for him. I love it!

He would not leave the hat on for his picture. I kept putting it back on him to take a pic and see his reaction below...

Loving on Ivy. If only Ivy shared these feelings.

Spaghetti... yum!!!

Singing along with "Alphabet Pal" our favorite toy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

walking, walking everywhere

well, we have a walker. we've had one for probably 3 weeks now, at least, but i've been lazy and not taking pictures or posting. my sister had to jerk a not in my tail about it too - thanks, man. love ya!

until 3 days ago, he was still crawling a good bit. he couldn't stand up on his own, without using the support of something else. when he would fall from walking, he would crawl over to something to pull himself up. now he has figured out how to stand on his own, so it's walking exclusively. i think he is trying to figure out how to run too. the other day it was like his feet wouldn't go fast enough and he fell over face first.

the toddling is so cute. i love to leave him in just his diaper and watch his little legs. sweet, rolly legs. we're having a blast. we smile and laugh all day long at the things this little boy does.