Saturday, December 20, 2008

donuts with dads

at pratt's mom's morning out last week, they had donuts with dads. so cute! pratt wanted nothing to do with the donut, surprisingly, but i think he liked having daddy at school with him.

Merry Christmas!

wishing you and your family a very merry christmas and happy new year...

Monday, December 8, 2008


we spent thanksgiving with the savell family this year. we alternate between our families each year. the two boys actually ate thanksgiving too! they were alot of fun to watch.


pratt was a lion for halloween. this costume was adorable. my sweet friend, sara o'dell, let me borrow the costume. her son will wore it the year before. she bought it from a consignment sale, and it was well worth the $8 she paid! it barely fit pratt by the time halloween rolled around. he actually loved being in it, believe it or not. i was afraid he wouldn't because he doesn't like things on his head at all. i had a picture of the family at the halloween party we went to, but i can't find it... sad!

Ollie is 1!

sweet ollie has turned one. it was such a joy being able to share pregnancy with my sister. it has been even more fun watching our boys grow and play together. we were home for ollie's birthday. he wasn't too interested in his cake, so pratt glady stepped in to show him what to do.